2019-01 January

The bumper new year edition

There’s a block of European content near the end which I thought was relevant enough to be interesting, or at least interesting enough to be relevant… Comments on whether such should be included or omitted are welcome. I assume all IGA members are getting their copy of the AGA newsletter, but the European one didn’t seem to last long.

Looking forward… January

2019 Online Interprovincials
The classic Online Interprovincials are due to make a comeback in a new format. The IGA site has more info.

Further ahead… March

2019 Irish Go Congress
The Open & Rapid will take place over the weekend of March 22nd-24th

Weekly Meetings

Galway – Tuesday 19:30 in the Black Gate (or possibly Mc Swiggans)
Dublin – Wednesday 20:30 in Toners
Online – Thursday 20:00-22:00 on OGS
Stillorgan – Sunday 14:00-18:00 at PingZone, St Benildus College

Pandanet Go European Team Championship
Round 3 versus Bulgaria finished 3-1 in Ireland’s favour.
Round 4 went even better, 4-0 against Morocco.
The puts Ireland just behind Iceland at the top of the table.
Next match is against Belarus on the 29th.

Looking back… December

2019 Irish Correspondence Tournament
Registration for 2019 is now closed with ten entrants. Some of the most eager have already begun

On the continent…

Organising EGC 2018
Interesting stats and info behind running the European Go Congress

The Euro Pro System
One year on

One Book, Every Language
An overview of the Multilingual Go Book Project.
The project is looking for volunteers.


Toroidal Go
The GO Without Borders Project is looking for beta testers.
the surrounding game logo

Stones in Cork
John in Cork is selling a set of ceramic stones on DoneDeal. They are listed at €15 but he emailed to say he will accept €10 if a member of the Cork club is interested.

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